Watch GyroStim videos! See GyroStim in multiple applications
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GyroStim Videos:
Clinical and Athletic Performance

GyroStim Video: Clinical Applications

The GyroStim video above captures a few of the populations with vestibular dysfunction that benefit from the precisely controlled treatment strategies with GyroStim.

GyroStim Video: Athletic Performance

GyroStim is used by elite athletes from around the world and from virtually every sport to stimulate, challenge, and improve the very core of athletic performance - the sensorimotor system


Click here to see a list of some of the athletes who have benefited from GyroStim.

GyroStim Video: Multiple Applications

The GyroStim video above is a collection of video footage of actual GyroStim clinical and athletic performance applications.

GyroStim Video: Go Pro Cam

This GyroStim video taken from multiple angles provide a visual composite of the GyroStim experience at one of the medium intensity levels. The actual experience is non-intimidating, intuitive, and more fun than can be expressed in any video. 

Research on GyroStim and concussion is underway. Stay up to date on our progress through the FDA process.

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GyroStim is proud to be a member of  the Vestibular Disorders Association's (VeDA) Industry Advisory Council.

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GyroStim is FDA-cleared for use in the treatment of balance disorders and vestibular dysfunction. 

GyroStim is a product of UltraThera Technologies, Inc.

and is protected by multiple patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

2 North Cascade Avenue / Suite 1320

Colorado Springs, CO 80903


©2024 UltraThera Technologies, Inc.

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