GyroStim Cost to Own: Use Our Return on Investment Calculator
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Return on Investment Calculator

No two clinics are alike or take the same approach to offering, administering, or charging for their services. The calculator and information below will help you to assess your clinic’s potential return on investment.


Enter hypothetical operation variables to calculate and assess the ROI based on various scenarios for your clinic and current GyroStim cost.

Is GyroStim cost worth the investment?

What will your ROI be?

Use the calculator to play with the three main variables and calculate your hypothetical ROI:

  • How long will your sessions be (30 mins is typical)?

  • How many sessions will you run per day?

  • How many days per week will you offer treatment?

The ROI will be based on current GyroStim cost.


Some clinics have reported insurance reimbursement up to $200 per half hour session.

Cash Pay  

Some clinics report charging from $100 to $300 per 30-minute session, while others include the charges in a full-service all-inclusive program.

Revewing Graphs


We have access to reputable lenders who have helped many clinic owners convert their vision of owning a GyroStim into reality.

ROI variables

Research on GyroStim and concussion is underway. Stay up to date on our progress through the FDA process.

What is your primary interest in GyroStim?
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GyroStim is proud to be a member of  the Vestibular Disorders Association's (VeDA) Industry Advisory Council.

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GyroStim is FDA-cleared for use in the treatment of balance disorders and vestibular dysfunction. 

GyroStim is a product of UltraThera Technologies, Inc.

and is protected by multiple patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

2 North Cascade Avenue / Suite 1320

Colorado Springs, CO 80903


©2024 UltraThera Technologies, Inc.

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